When I miss Bali - Warung Pradnyani
Warung Pradnyani
Ruko Moscow, Blok A No. 8 Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Serpong, Tangerang
021 29506970
Open everyday from Monday - Sunday from 11.00 am - 07.00pm
Exterior :
A shop house near Tea Garden, you can find Balinese yellow umbrella in front
Interior :
No AC a little bit hot at noon
Toilet location in 1st floor is a little bit absurd, you must use toilet on the second floor when raining
How to order :
Take a seat and a waiter will assist you
Menu :
Only sell nasi campur bali and Pork Ribs Soup
Price :
around IDR 50k + per person
My Order :

Nasi Campur Bali
A little bit different than the original one in Bali that I used to eat but the taste is quite good, the traditional chilli " MATAH" was not too spicy and I can enjoy eating it.
Consist of crispy pork fat, pork skin, satay, vegs, and BETUTU sauce, this nasi bali is a preferred option in Serpong to reduce my longing.

The Prok Ribs Soup
I can say the pork rib soup was not the best one I have ever had in my life but one of the best in Serpong so far.
the meat was quite tender and easy to bite, I could peel the meat from the bone cleanly
For those two I spent around 100k + excluding the drink
I think I will go there again in cause I really really miss Balinese food right now!
thank you for reading
ig @caca_ietcha & @blackholeduet
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